
Photo of professional studies building and campus


College of Professional Studies Departments

justice scales

Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice Department at NJCU is a diverse learning community of educators and students.

fire science firefighters with hose

Fire Science

The 国产探花 Bachelor of Science in Fire Science is the only university-based program in the State of New Jersey and one of only a few in the United States.

Fitness testing on a stationary bike

Fitness, Exercise and Sports

The mission of the Fitness, Exercise and Sports Department is to provide students with the opportunity to gain specific knowledge pertaining to exercise and sport studies, develop a variety of movement skills, and adopt values that facilitate the attainment of autonomous behavior in lifetime fitness and wellness activities.

male student examining skull anatomy class science biology

Health Sciences

There is no better place to study health science than in a multicultural, urban setting like NJCU.

student life hospital female nurse male doctor


You take your career seriously, and so do we. Just as you have a responsibility to your patients, we have a responsibility to the profession to educate and socialize nurses to serve their workplaces and their communities in the best way possible.

woman working in cyber security lab

Professional Security Studies

The Department of Professional Security Studies focuses on a student鈥揷entered, scholar-practitioner approach to education.