GEAR UP College Bound FAQs

What do I need to complete the application?

  • School counselor contact information
  • Important note: Application must be completed in one sitting

Are you a U.S. Citizen? If no explain.

  • If you are not a citizen but are residing in the U.S. with other documentation please specify (for example: permanent resident/green card holder, visa holder).
  • Important Note: Only the student鈥檚 documentation status is required. All information collected in the application form is kept confidential and used for GEAR UP College Bound staff purposes only.

What if the student does not have a phone number?

  • If student does not have a phone, they should give parent or guardian鈥檚 phone number where they can be reached, or put N/A.

What email address should the student provide?

  • Students must not provide a 鈥淍jcpsnj.org鈥 email. A personal email should be used. If the student does not have another email, please provide a parent/guardian鈥檚 email or enter N/A.

If I am self-employed, what should I enter for current employer information?

  • Under 鈥淐urrent Employer,鈥 enter self-employed and list your number.

What should I use to enter 鈥淭otal Taxable Household Income鈥?

  • This refers to the total earned and/or unearned income of your household before taxes were applied.
  • For most, this information can be obtained from the most recent individual tax returns (Form 1040, line 15).
  • If you do not have a tax return or access to your Total Taxable Household Income, please indicate the nature of your situation by stating: N/A, tax exempt, receives government assistance, etc.

What if I don鈥檛 have the information for any of the questions?

  • If you do not know what to put for any of the questions, please enter 鈥淣/A鈥 so that you can continue to complete the application 

For additional assistance please contact the GEAR UP College Bound Program directly.

Phone: 201-200-2347