Graphic Novel

Two Page Splash Illustration
Two Page Splash Illustration
Graphic Novel Promo Piece
"The Baron" Graphic Novel Character
"The Baron" Graphic Novel Character
"The Beast" Graphic Novel Character
"The Beast" Graphic Novel Character
"Troublmaker" Graphic Novel Character
"Troublmaker" Graphic Novel Character

I have assembled some the pages I鈥檓 currently working on for my creator owned graphic novel. The art is created using the traditional tools of the comic book trade. The materials include 2H and F lead pencils, black ink applied with brush ,crow quill and tech pens. The story is a love letter to all the classic adventure movies and series I grew up watching.

Influences include 鈥淚ndiana Jones, Tarzan, Starwars Marvel and DC comics to just name a few.
On the surface it is an adventure tale with many action sequences and a fairly fast paced narrative. I have, however ,included some complex and true to life character arcs which incorporate a full range of emotions. Some of the themes I explore are family dynamics as it pertains to the socially elite and their entitled expectations.

Another theme I have woven in is the struggle between the sternness of a parent and the rebelliousness of a child. The overall story is merely a vehicle for the characters to go on their journey, emotionally, mentally as well as personally. It is something I have been slowly building for quite some time ,and I look forward to being able to show the world what I have created.