Safe Space

Final Computer Overview image
Safe Space - Full Computer Overview (Digital Work)
Information Page Website image
Safe Space- Information Page Website (Digital Work) 
FInal Poster image
Safe Space - Final Poster (Digital Work)
Cover Mockup image
Safe Space - Cover Mockup (Digital Work)
Booklet Mockup image
Safe Space - Booklet Mockup (Digital Work)

Throughout history, mental health has always been considered a problem or stigma that wasn鈥檛 seen as a priority, which caused many people to lose their lives. Before the twentieth century, disorders we now know as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, etc.; have had names such as hysteria, shell shock, psychosis, and, in some cases, demonic possession. Various mental illnesses get boxed into one category, which is not the case, there are various forms. As a society, we need to address and normalize those mental disorders are a thing and need to be treated properly.

In modern times, mental health as a society has come a long way. The resources we have today are helpful yet still not enough. Mental illness is a lot more common than people think, people aren鈥檛 willing to talk about it due to stigma or feeling uncomfortable. I, myself, struggle with Social Anxiety. Although I don鈥檛 suffer chronically and have been slowly working on managing it for years, it affects how I interact with others.

For my project, I created a fictitious nonprofit organization called, Safe Space, which is dedicated to creating awareness and fighting for rights on Mental health. The goal of this project is to further spread the information out there, by using graphic design as my medium. In one part, I'll be using a form of book and magazine and the other is a combination of web and product design. To create this nonprofit organization and share such info, I created a booklet and a website to educate and inform. You鈥檙e not alone, you aren鈥檛 crazy, and don鈥檛 be afraid to seek help.